Photo Gallery

Redfish Lake Lodgeentrance sign. Watch for it after the central services area.

Redfish Lake Lodgeentrance sign. Watch for it after the central services area.

Redfish Lake Lodge has most services available, food, ice, pop, lodging, dining, boat rental, bike rental, horse trail rides, a marina and much more.

Redfish Lake Lodge has most services available, food, ice, pop, lodging, dining, boat rental, bike rental, horse trail rides, a marina and much more.

Here is the "General Store" at Redfish Lake Lodge. Notice the bike rentals.

Here is the "General Store" at Redfish Lake Lodge. Notice the bike rentals.

The docks offer kayaks, paddle boats and more. This is a small sample of the beach. the docks were damaged by winter ice and have been rebuilt. I will get a new picture the next time I get that way.

The docks offer kayaks, paddle boats and more. This is a small sample of the beach. the docks were damaged by winter ice and have been rebuilt. I will get a new picture the next time I get that way.